Online Interactive. Learn to calculate your smalti needs so you can create smalti artwork on your own! Smalti has been used worldwide for hundreds of years to produce beautiful mosaic artwork.
$25 DISCOUNT CODE FOR THIS WORKSHOP!! Smithsonian Spring offering. This course will use the modern material of unglazed porcelain with designs inspired by historical imagery of ancient mosaics.
Online Interactive. For anyone seeking a comprehensive overview of materials, tools and fabrication approaches. Gain a solid knowledge base to create whatever you can imagine in mosaic.
IN PERSON. Rare opportunity to master the technique known as Pique Assiette. Create mosaics using broken plates, cast off tiles and found objects. In-person.
Online Interactive. Understanding color mixing and how color theory rules can be modified for mosaics will allow you to take your mosaic work in new directions.
TOURING ONLY OPTIONS AVAILABLE. WORKSHOP WAIT LISTING. Experience the beauty and magic of Barcelona, Spain with Bonnie Fitzgerald and other mosaic enthusiasts. We will spend the mornings creating mosaic art while enjoying the sights, sounds, and food of Barcelona in the afternoon and evenings.
With contributions from 100+ internationally renowned artists, this complete resource of mosaic techniques and design ideas is sure to become your go-to reference.
Need help calculating and ordering materials, finessing designs, finding inspiration, getting clear on technical advice? This may be the best investment you make on your mosaic journey.
Flowers in Glass Mosaic
$350.00IN PERSON. WAIT LISTING. Welcome spring! Terrific project for all levels of experience.