I am honored to have recorded a podcast interview for the Not Old Better Show produced by award winning podcast pioneer Paul Vogelzang. The collection boasts interviews with best selling authors, celebrities, historical figures, politicans, scientists, artists and more.
It is humbling to be in such good company. This interview was sparked by my mosaic art-work titled “My Mom, May”. The work was selected for the Smithsonians’ Artist’s at Work Exhibition.
Inspired by Smithsonian students, while teaching “The Art of the Broken Dish”, I created this picassette style mosaic with cast-off dishes and crockery. The mosaic includes my mom’s, May Sehenuk, dishes, and lots of other “mothers’ dishes” collected from thrift stores and yard sales. This was my first picassiette portrait. The podcast gleams insights to the creative process, my teaching philosophy and thoughts I have about purpose vs passion. Of course a huge shoutout to my mother May who taught me the rewards of a honest days work, being kind and sharing our best selves with others.