This is Bonnie’s longtime “pet project”. The PinchPals are a reflection of her beliefs about and hopes for the world.
THE PINCHPALS™ STORY IS GROUNDED IN THE NOTION THAT, AT OUR CORE, WE HUMAN BEINGS ARE ALL THE SAME. Most of us are compassionate beings with a desire for decency and kindness in our daily lives; we seek connection with others.
OUR MISSION To spark a movement of empathy, connection, and compassion through the broad distribution of PinchPals characters and their messages of acceptance, understanding, and community. Inspiring the next generation to acts of kindness, providing support and resources to parents and educators. PinchPals artworks reflect social responsibility and good humor.
The PinchPals YouTube Channel gives terrific insights; take a look! Visit the PinchPals FaceBook page to learn more. There we have housed years of photos and much of our story. We know these little characters will find their way while putting a smile on your face and making the world a bit kinder.
For my fellow ARTIST FRIENDS, the wish for you is that your PinchPal will help you remain true to yourself and create with vigor.
PinchPals are “pinched” from clay and in a “pinch” will always have your back!

Covid Inspired, the PinchPals understood the hope for getting our lives back was all about the vaccine!

Friendly reminder, as an American I have a voice.